Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Battle With War

The title of this week's political cartoon is "Obama and war", and this title describes the two figures in the cartoon. The figures in the cartoon are president Obama and large man in armor whom is symbolizing war, another key symbol is the chess board itself, which is foreign military involvement. The artist is satirizing how close the United States is becoming to being at war with Libya. He is doing this by showing Obama and the figure of war locked in a game of chess. The message of the cartoon is for Obama to make larger moves in Libya. The cartoon seems more on the liberal side of the spectrum, being as though liberals tend to believe that as a part of the security council the U.S has a duty to uphold peace. In Libya there are United states Navy and Air force operations however we are not engaged in war with Libya, we have discussed this several times in class and even questioned why we are not at war with Libya.

This cartoon was published by Bob Englehart of The Hartford Courant  on 3/23/2011 and I found it on

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