The title of this cartoon is "Bombing For Peace", and is used to describe the symbols in the cartoon that represent our recent actions in Libya. The Eagle in the cartoon is used to signify the purpose of the U.S bombers flying over Libya. In America the Eagle (bird) holding a twig in it's hand is the symbol of peace. It seems as though the artist believes that the Presence of U.S Air force in Libya is necessary for that country to see peace. This liberal point of view is widely shared and is obviously the view of our government being as though we are still there. The irony of this cartoon, and of the situation itself is that we are bombing bombers, and all in an attempt to use violence to create peace.
This cartoon was published By Daryle Cagle, on on 3/31/2011
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This cartoon was published By Daryle Cagle, on on 3/31/2011
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