Thursday, March 31, 2011

It Must Be Done

The title of this cartoon is "Bombing For Peace", and is used to describe the symbols in the cartoon that represent our recent actions in Libya. The Eagle in the cartoon is used to signify the purpose of the U.S bombers flying over Libya. In America the Eagle (bird) holding a twig in it's  hand is the symbol of peace. It seems as though the artist believes that the Presence of U.S Air force in Libya is necessary for that country to see peace. This liberal point of view is widely shared and is obviously the view of our government being as though we are still there. The irony of this cartoon, and of the situation itself is that we are bombing bombers, and all in an attempt to use violence to create peace.

This cartoon was published By Daryle Cagle, on on 3/31/2011
 Found it on:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Battle With War

The title of this week's political cartoon is "Obama and war", and this title describes the two figures in the cartoon. The figures in the cartoon are president Obama and large man in armor whom is symbolizing war, another key symbol is the chess board itself, which is foreign military involvement. The artist is satirizing how close the United States is becoming to being at war with Libya. He is doing this by showing Obama and the figure of war locked in a game of chess. The message of the cartoon is for Obama to make larger moves in Libya. The cartoon seems more on the liberal side of the spectrum, being as though liberals tend to believe that as a part of the security council the U.S has a duty to uphold peace. In Libya there are United states Navy and Air force operations however we are not engaged in war with Libya, we have discussed this several times in class and even questioned why we are not at war with Libya.

This cartoon was published by Bob Englehart of The Hartford Courant  on 3/23/2011 and I found it on

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Portrayal Of Gaddafi

The Title of this cartoon is "Libya's Gaddafi", the title shows exactly what is supposed to be portrayed in the cartoon. Muammar Gaddafi is being represented in this political cartoon, I think the artist is trying to portray Gaddaffi as a violent machine and not a human being. The steam coming from the ears, the pistols for fingers, this seems more like a fictional android than a human dictator, which is what it seems like the artist is aiming for. The message if the cartoon is that Gaddafi is more of a monster than a leader, and with his fingers being handguns he is likely to be quick to fire. The Cartoonist does not take the position of a specific ideology in this cartoon. Currently we are hearing in the news about Gaddafi being content with firing on his own people, which is also something that we have discussed in class. The Irony that Gaddafi is being portrayed as a monster, and is also behaving like one, sheds light on the situation in Libya and expresses the pain suffered by the people there.

This Cartoon was published in Singapore by Deng Coy Miel, and I found it on:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Impossible Homework

The title of this cartoon is "Lost Homework". The title of this cartoon refers to the child in the cartoon explaining why he did not do his homework. It seems that the citizens of the united states are represented in the cartoon. Most citizens benefit from the educational system, and with the potential passing of  Senate Bill #1 this system is at stake. The artist of the cartoon is giving a predicted scenario that would result from the passing of the bill. The artist does not portray any specific ideological position. The cartoon relates to the PA general assembly's first consideration of the bill, which happened yesterday. The cartoon does not directly relate to anything we have discussed in class however. The irony of the cartoon stems from the fact that both the examples that the child brought up as an excuse, were actually proposed by the general assembly at some point in time.

This cartoon was published by "Wright" via the website: